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  • Writer's pictureKaylie

Triple Chocolate Chocolate Cookies

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

Sometimes one kind of chocolate isn’t good enough and two just doesn’t meet the mark...three sounds about right!

Who doesn’t love a soft, chocolatey cookie? I think everyone should have a really good chocolate chip cookie recipe under their belt. This recipe is awesome, the cookies are chewy and soft and loaded full of chocolate. Right now the world is crazy and everyone is social distancing to stay safe and help others so why not bake something new.

Living my best quarantine life and baking a bunch of new recipes, this cookie recipe was the first one I tried out and in the month of social distancing I have made them three times. They are beyond delicious, by the end of all of this craziness I will most likely have a freezer full of cookies.

Triple Chocolate Chocolate Cookies

Recipe makes 18 large cookies


- 1 cup butter, melted and room temp

- 1 cup golden brown sugar

- 1 cup granulated white sugar

- 1 teaspoon sea salt

- 1 tablespoon vanilla extract

- 2 eggs

- 1 teaspoon baking soda

- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

- 2 cups all purpose flour

- 2/3 cup cocoa powder

- 1/3 - 1/2 cup of each; milk chocolate chips, white chocolate chip and dark chocolate chips (60% or higher) depending on how much chocolate you want in your cookies plus extra for topping cookies.


1. Pour melted butter into the bowl of your stand mixer. Add brown and white sugar, salt and vanilla, mix on medium speed until mixture becomes creamy. Don’t over mix or Cookies will be greasy when baked.

2. Add eggs, and mix just until incorporated.

3. In a separate bowl mix together remaining ingredients (not including chocolate chips). Mix dry ingredients into wet in two additions while your mixer is on a low speed (flour does not need to be fully mixed in before adding more).

4. Once all the flour is mostly mixed in remove bowl from stand mixer and add your three kinds of chocolate chips and continue to mix them in with wooden spoon.

5. Using a large cookie scoop (or ice cream scoop) portion the dough into about 18 large cookies. You can line your cookie sheet with parchment and place your cookies on the sheet (6 to a pan) before chilling your dough or if you are like me and don’t have the fridge space gently place all scooped cookies into a large glass bowl. Place dough in fridge and chill for at least an hour or overnight (this really helps your cookies when baking to not spread out too much and still be chewy)

6. Once your dough has chilled you can preheat your over to 350F. Line your cookie sheet with parchment paper and place 6 cookies on sheet. 7. Next I top each cookie with a variety of the chocolate chips.

8. Bake in preheated oven for 12-15 minutes. I bake them for about 13 minutes because I like them on the chewier side.

9. Once you remove cookies from oven let them cool on the cookie sheet for another 10 minutes to help firm and finish baking.


Recipes and more will always be posted on my instagram follow me @kaylieped

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Feb 06, 2021

I made these last weekend and they are delicious! Like a brownie cookie! I have been cooking them six at a time and the rest I made into balls and froze. 👍👍


Sarah Sutherland
Sarah Sutherland
Apr 20, 2020

I can vouch, these cookies are amazing! 🤤

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