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  • Writer's pictureKaylie

Giant Cinnamon Bun with Cream Cheese Icing

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

If you are going to have a cinnamon bun it better be the size of your face and topped with cream cheese icing.

One of the best food combos out there has to be a cinnamon bun and cream cheese, how can you go wrong? This bun recipe always rises to the occasion for any function, I’ve served them at bridal brunches, baby showers and holiday breakfasts. Nothing makes your house smell better than fresh out of the oven cinnamon buns.

“ I really don’t think I need buns of steel. I’d be happy with buns of cinnamon”. - Ellen DeGeneres

Giant Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing


For the Dough

- 1 1/2 cups milk, scalded (microwave works well)

- 1 cup butter

- 1 cup granulated white sugar

- 3 eggs, beaten slightly

- 1 1/2 cups warm water

- 3 tablespoons quick rise yeast

- 9-10 cups all purpose flour

Cinnamon Bun filling

- 1 cup butter, softened

- 1 cup brown sugar

- 3 tablespoons cinnamon

Cinnamon Bun sauce

- 1 cup brown sugar

- 1/4 cup butter

- 1/2 cup whole milk

Cream Cheese Icing

- 1 package of cream cheese (8 ounces)

- 3 -4 cups icing sugar

- 1 teaspoon vanilla

- 1/2 teaspoon salt


1. Scald milk, add butter and stir until butter is melted. Add sugar, salt and eggs. 2. Dissolve yeast in warm water in large mixing bowl. (About 10 minutes)

3. Add scalded milk mixture and 1/2 the flour, mix well.

4. Using a dough hook or your hands (I use my hands) mix in remaining flour until you have a soft dough.

5. Put dough in large bowl, over and let rise for 1 1/2 hours.

6. Punch dough down. Roll dough into a large rectangle about a 1/4-1/2 inch thickness.

7. Spread butter onto rectangle and sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon mixture evenly covering all you dough except a very small strip on the long side of your rectangle. (This helps your role stay closed)

8. Start forming your roll on the long side so your roll is longer. Once it is rolled seal the roll using the little strip that doesn’t have the sugar mixture on it, dapping The ends with water also can help seal the roll.

9. Using a sharp knife cut the little tattered ends so your roll‘s two ends are flat. Then start cutting your rolls about an inch thick and place cut rolls in greased pans. (6 rolls in 9”x13” pans)

10. Cover filled pans with towel and let rise 30-45 minutes, don‘t let the rolls get too big they should fill the pans nicely.

11. Preheat oven to 350F, once preheated cook rolls for 30-35 minutes until nice and golden. Check the bottoms to make sure they are fully cooked.

12. While buns are baking combine cinnamon bun sauce ingredients in saucepan and cook on medium until butter has melted and sugar has dissolve. With 10 minutes left in your baking time pour the cinnamon bun sauce over all of the pans and then let the cinnamon buns finish cooking.

13. While the cinnamon buns are cooling start making your cream cheese icing. Combine all ingredients using an electric mixer or stand mixer. Once finished spread icing on top of cinnamon buns when serving them.

Cinnamon Bun ready for the oven.

Best served warm. Cinnamon buns are once of the best comfort foods out there and can be awesome to bring to a brunch or a holiday party, but if you aren’t going to eat them all right away you can freeze them for up to a month.


Recipes and more will always be posted on my instagram follow me @kaylieped

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